Pharus Advisors - Design Online Presence

How we transformed the online presence for global boutique merchant banking firm


Pharus Advisors

Online Presence Design

The, PHARUS is a Global Boutique Merchant Banking Firm. i36 design to create design, develop and manage their online presence and digitally enhanced user experience.


  • Design Research
  • User Experience Design
  • Front End Development
  • Wordpress Development
  • Responsive Website

A Fluid Design System

Pharus Advisors
Pharus Advisors
Pharus Advisors

we’ve gotten to know this historic brand and its devoted followers — a crowd that’s on their phones a lot. Our responsive website design gives them better, more personal ways to keep up and connect with pharus wherever they are.

Pharus Advisors
Pharus Advisors

we’ve gotten to know this historic brand and its devoted followers — a crowd that’s on their phones a lot. Our responsive website design gives them better, more personal ways to keep up and connect with pharus wherever they are.

i36 Design has been working with Pharus for over 9 years. the team is very responsive and easy to work with. I find the time-zone difference is actually an advantage, as I can request something in the afternoon, and it is done by the time I wake up in the morning.

Michael Goodman Co-founder & Senior Managing Director

Merchant Bankers

let's make something
great together

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